Monday, December 1, 2008

HIV / AIDS and Poverty

Source of photo- HIV/AIDS Map

Its something we have all heard about but very few of us actually know what happens when someone is diagnosed with HIV or AIDS. AIDS (Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by the the virus HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus). It can be caught when someone comes into contacts with the bodily fluid of an infected person. AIDS is now a pandemic all over the world and in 2007 33.2 millin people were estimated to be infected with the disease and someone dies from AIDS or HIV every 15 seconds (over two million every year). Of the 33.2 million people infected the majority of those live in the undeveloped countries. Surprisingly it is the children of these countries that suffer the most as they can be born with HIV or get it when feeding on breast milk from their infected mother. Although it is a devastating disease that has killed millions it is becoming increasingly manageable in developed and undeveloped alike.

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